
Intensive Healing.

A Neuro-Inclusive, Holistic Healing Center.


Intensive Healing.

A Neuro-Inclusive, Holistic Healing Center.

Our Neuro-Inclusive Center and Our Practitioners Embody the Belief that Love is Medicine, You are Love, and Healing is your Birthright.

Welcome to Namasté Center For Healing, a Neuro-Inclusive Holistic Healing Center. The word “Namasté” is Sanskrit and means “Bowing to you.” In Hinduism, it reflects the belief that "the divine and self (Atman, soul) is same in you and me", and connotes "I bow to the divine in you” or “I see the light in you.” We see the light in you and are honored to walk alongside you on your healing journey.

You are worth it.

photo credit: tree with sunlight, Jeremy Bishop


We are here for you.

Contact Us.

We are here for you.

Contact Us.

We are here for you.

We honor your courage in reaching out to us. We are here to support you on your healing journey. You are worth it.

NOTE: We are a private pay holistic healing center. We have not accepted insurance since 2015. We are happy to provide you with a statement for you to submit to your insurance for direct reimbursement. We DO NOT deal with insurance companies.

Please email us so that we can best match you with the appropriate treatment provider. We will contact you on the same day or when we return to the office if you email us on weekends or holidays.


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