
This month, consider this…

You have been hustling as a means of attaining self worth…

But the truth is, your self worth is NOT outside of you…

It’s not based on how many people like you, follow you, reassure you, comfort you, show up for you when you call (or call out to them), or stroke your ego … It’s the same thing with your value-it is not outside of you. Everything you need is right inside- within you.

  • Stop seeking answers about yourself or your life via other people. You have all the answers.

  • Take a risk, get quiet, and go inward and listen! Your higher self is trying to communicate with you!

  • Stop resisting the truth- it only slows your divine growth spurts (and expansion) down.

  • Stop avoiding doing your own work; it’s required on an on-going basis if you want to elevate (ascend) in this life.

  • Stop lying to yourself and to other people. People who are tuned in can see right through your projections and distorted thinking.

  • Stop acting like you’re better than other people. We’re all equal. We’re all one. We’re all a collective consciousness. Look what we’ve been choosing- we indeed can do better!

  • Stop being passive aggressive and making  comments to make you feel better- it says more about you than the person you’re trying to make small.

  • Stop projecting your shit onto others; own your shadow- people literally are serving you by mirroring back to you either what you love or hate about yourself-your false beliefs and made up stories based on old wounds are yours- no one else’s.


Read that again. Take that in.

If you’ve been pointing the finger, gossiping about others, finding yourself irritated by others, projecting, blaming - it’s a tell-tell sign that it’s time to take a look in the mirror.

  • Who and what do you see? Are you self critical? To… fat, thin, tall, short….

  • Do you compare yourself to others (they’re wealthier, more stable, happier, thinner, taller, smaller, more successful, have more)? Why? Where did your measuring stick for self-worth come from?

If you’ve been hustling to find your self worth, reassurance, comfort, safety in others, you’ll naturally do that with money too. So notice that…. Do you hustle for money at your own expense? Do you lack boundaries, allowing clients to have access to you 24/7? Are you short with those who love you because you struggle to set healthy boundaries in your work life?

You don’t need to “hustle” for money. Money is ENERGY; it’s the quickest energy we can manifest if we are in alignment with living in/ for the highest good, loving ourselves and others.

If you put yourself or others down, if you’re mean, passive-aggressive, jealous, in fear, anger, hurt, and/or projecting your shit onto others- you stop the FLOW of ALL abundance in your life. Including the flow of green energy (money).

So while Mercury is in Retrograde (April 21-May 14) and “K-Fuck radio” is blasting in your head, I gently invite you to:

  • Be curious about the beliefs you have had about yourself; what are you telling yourself? Is it true? If not- why are you telling yourself these lies? If it is true and you don’t like it, are you willing to make the necessary changes? Mercury in retrograde offers us to revisit, reflect and resolve things that we have ignored, buried, pushed aside, compartmentalized. Healing what is revealed during this time allows us to elevate. That’s a good thing!

  • Check your beliefs and stories about other people; notice where you’re projecting your shit onto others, own it, and GO WITHIN. Stop projecting and start to do your own work. If you think you’ve “arrived” and that your self work, your shadow work is done, you’re sorely mistaken. Your healing work on planet Gaia will never end. That is part of the blessing of choosing to be here.

  • Check your ego; are you acting better than others or are you staying humble? Are you gossiping about others or are you practicing integrity? Are you being passive aggressive or are you supporting others’ progress? Are you making subtle jabs?

  • Check the walls you have built around yourself; what are you afraid would happen if you were vulnerable and let people get close to really SEE who you are?

  • Check who have you been closer to lately-notice if you are around parasites who want to use you or take from you for their own benefit; or if they are in your ear causing you to question yourself, your dearest friends, or loved ones that you normally trust and feel divinely aligned with. Take a look at why you have you attracted this person into your space. What are you supposed to learn (e.g., to have better boundaries, to stop playing small and own your divine light, to trust yourself over others….)?

This Mercury retrograde can indeed be a challenging one if you allow it to be. How to get through it with more ease?

  • Surrender

  • Trust the process

  • Go with the flow

  • Lean into LOVE.

Remember- SELF LOVE IS YOUR SUPER POWER- and you’ll know how much you love yourself by how you’re treating others this month. Start by taking a personal inventory…. What about YOUR energy do YOU get to clean up over the next month?

I will continue to send Infinite love and light Always. In All Ways.


Photo credit: Macrovector; freepik.com
